“Think about the trees!”

I came downstairs this morning to find the television on to the chat show The Wright Stuff, on which they were discussing our massive overconsumption at Christmas. A great subject to get thinking about, and one on which I wrote an article for Gair Rhydd. But what I found totally bizarre was that the whole discussion was centred around the environment, with the presenter complaining about the “massacre of trees” necessary for all those Christmas cards!

Yes, the environment is important, but get some perspective! “Never mind the gaping global social injustice and economic division in the world! Forget the fact that half the world is starving while half the world stuffs itself with turkey and mince pies until we’re sick of them and dying from obesity – no, think about the trees!”

I might despair, were it not for the true message of Christmas, that of God come down to earth into the mess of this world to die and come back to life to instigate the Revolution of the Kingdom of God, for him to transform our lives and our world by his power. There should be and can be real change through the power of the Gospel, so let’s work out what that means and start living it. I’m planning to give some thought to what Christmas in the Kingdom of God should be like – thoughts and ideas greatly appreciated!

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