
On Friday morning, I woke up and, remembering the weather forecast, pulled back my curtains. Flakes were falling, white and beautiful from the sky, giving a gentle covering to the world around. I rushed downstairs and stuck my arm out the back door, allowing white flecks of snow to settle on my hand and dressing gown before melting into chilly droplets.

It did, alas, stop snowing a few minutes later, leaving a thin covering that was just about enough for a few snowballs. On the news, they just grumbled about the disruption in people’s journeys to work. But the people I talked to during the day enjoyed the beauty and thrill of it. There’s something about a snowy day that makes people excited, makes us take a step back and enjoy the world for once. And in an effort to practice my poetry skills for Creative Writing, here’s a poem about it:

Rain Rushes, Snow Slows

Rain rushes rattling running
Drops dripping drips dropping
&nbsp Ground crash
&nbsp Window splash
Closed faces eyes down
Through the crowds escaping!

But everyone slows
&nbsp when it snows,
Faces that are
&nbsp as bright
&nbsp as sun
&nbsp on snow,
Gaze around
&nbsp for the first
&nbsp time again at
&nbsp a world aglow.
Every flake
&nbsp dancing gently
&nbsp on an unworried
&nbsp downward journey.
Playing in
&nbsp the air
&nbsp above,
In no hurry.

by Caleb Woodbridge

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