Heresy before partying

I need to finish my essay for my Heresy & Dissent module before getting things ready for my birthday party this evening. I’m writing about a source recording the conversion of Peter Waldo, a rich merchant who gave everything up for a life of poverty and preaching. But the Church wasn’t too happy with this evangelical preacher going around preaching from the Bible outside the authority of the church and told him to stop, but he refused and was branded a heretic. So I need to write around 400 words or so before lunch.

For some reason, it seems to be a busy time for birthdays. Yesterday evening three friends I know were having birthday parties – Helen and Becci (a joint party, though their birthdays are on the 7th and the 17th respectively) and Claire Fayers. And I’m sure there were one or two other people with their birthdays around now. As it happens, I share my birthday with Martin Luther, who was also born on the 10th November. All the best people are obviously born in November! ;-)

Back to work…

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