Appeal for Writers

The Cardiff CU website will be undergoing a revamp at the hands of Mr Dave Corkish, and one of the plans for it with which I am involved is an articles section. The idea is to have articles on all sorts of subjects, such as living as a Christian at university; stuff about student life; issues like postmodernism that people are likely to encounter; reviews of books, films and music; Christian living and theology, and so on and so forth – all written from a Christian perspective. This will hopefully be updated on a semi-regular basis – every few weeks or so.

But, of course, this needs writers. I’m planning some articles, but I’m also trying to recruit some others who want to write something – either as a one-off or on a repeated basis. The website is obviously intended to be Cardiff-centric, but probably we won’t limit it to CU members students.

So if you’re interested, join the mailing list which I’ve set up for sharing ideas, getting feedback and the like. You don’t need to be a skilled writer, just have something worth saying. This should be being publicised through official CU outlets such as the website and CU mailing list sometime soon, but at the moment all is quiet as people are busy over the summer. But I thought I’d try and get the ball rolling.

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