Christianity & Postmodernism 2: My story

To kick off my discussion of Christianity & Postmodernism, I’d like to begin in what’s arguably quite a postmodern way – not with explanations, arguments or definitions, but by pointing you to a story – my story, telling about some of my spiritual and intellectual struggles as an undergraduate student, which I first published on my blog in 2006 under the title Battles of the Mind:

I came to university a committed Christian, ready to set the world (or at least the university) on fire. I relished the challenge of my studies, and the task of engaging with secularism, naturalism, postmodernism, hedonism and a host of other -isms. I was also keen to examine my beliefs for myself, to make sure I was really following Jesus out of my own conviction, not just because I’d been brought up in the Christian faith.

As my first year progressed, this last task pressed down on me more heavily. How could I be a Christian with any intellectual integrity if I hadn’t for myself established beyond reasonable doubt the truth of the Bible’s claims?

Also challenging me were the postmodern ideas I was encountering while studying. Please read the whole story – I think it helps show what’s at stake. Postmodernism isn’t just an academic issue, but one that affects people’s lives, and is part of the spiritual battle for people’s minds.

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