Caleb Woodbridge

Complete Christian thinking

I’ve been reading, which is almost always a worthwhile activity. Even bad books often give an insight into humanity in an accidental manner, but I have fortunately had the good pleasure of reading some good books and articles.

I’ve been reading:

One of the common themes that has emerged in my reading recently is the importance of a wholeness in our Christian lives, which all these tackle in some way or other. One of the problems with contemporary Western Christianity is a failure to work out the implications of the incredible, wonderful, revolutionary teachings of Jesus Christ on every area of life. Christianity should be a faith that refuses to be confined to a personal, private “spirituality”, and permeates every area of our lives. If the Bible is true, then it is true in every area.I’m not arguing for a literalistic viewpoint, by the way, which insists on the Bible being taken literally on every point. It is both a work of literature and a work of truth, and it’s important to be sensitive to the genre, style and intention of the Bible’s diverse parts. It contains many different things – teaching, history, poetry, prophecy, letters, legal documents, parables and so on, often communicating different kinds of truth in different ways. The Bible is also at the same time unified in its overall message of revealing the truth of God and his plan of redemption. It’s a wonderful, staggering, complicated, beautiful work. The Bible, if true, is historically true when it speak historically, poetically true when it speaks poetically, doctrinally true when it speaks doctrinally, and so on.

Stuart Olyott, preacher, teacher and pastor to pastors in Wales, spoke at my church’s prayer meeting on Tuesday on the state of the church in Wales (which deserves a blog entry of its own, so I won’t go into that now). What I found very helpful in the course of what he said was the way he identified the three components of the Christian life:

These three areas are closely interrelated and reinforce each other. It is hard to be strong in one while remaining weak in the others. Most churches, however, tend to focus on one or two and neglect the others. What’s lacking are balanced, complete Christian lives, teaching and evangelism, which should relate to all three areas. The implications of this are wide-ranging and will need a lot more thought and writing to work through…Well, that’s almost all I have time for before lunch. I’m writing this in the library and the librarian has just handed me True Spirituality and Genesis in space and time by Francis Schaeffer, which I saw on the library catalogue were in storage and so asked for them to be got out for me. More reading – excellent!

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