Caleb Woodbridge

Doctor Who Press Launch: The Big Day Arrives…

My alarm goes off, and I leap out of bed, already quivering with nervous anticipation. Today is The Big Day, when I get to report on the press launch of series two of Doctor Who. This evening I’ll be seeing the first episode. I’ll be hobnobbing with the cast and crew, and trying to get good quotes and pictures for Gair Rhydd and Quench. It’s great experience for me from a journalistic point of view, as well as indulging my Who obsession!

Anyway, preparations are well underway… charging the batteries for my camera, jotting down questions to put to David Tennant and Billie Piper should I get chance, gloating on the Doctor Who forums (sorry, did I just say that last one out loud?)

But by now, paranoia begins to kick in – what if the BBC find out that I am, horror of horrors, a fan?! I can just imagine being searched by security guards for concealed sonic screwdriver toys (got one of those for my birthday) or illictly smuggled in copies of Doctor Who Magazine for the stars to sign. BBC heavies would descend on me, chucking me out into the cold night. Perhaps even just wearing my leather jacket would be enough to set alarms ringing – “Alert! Alert! Fan-intruder detected!”

If the BBC secret service wanted evidence of my fanishness, then they’d only need to have a quick look in my room to find me guilty. there are a number of Doctor Who posters up – a new series Dalek above my bed, a mini-poster of that publicity shot used on the billboards last year of the Ninth Doctor and Rose, and one with Peter Cushing’s Doctor with movie Daleks (Look, I also have other posters up including Lord of the Rings, The Incredibles and a world map, I’m not exclusively Who-obsessed, right!?)

Come to think of it, there’s more than enough on this blog to incriminate me. Oh dear. Any BBC bods thinking of barring me, I’m Joel Evans from Swansea University’s student paper The Waterfront – get it? got it? Good!

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