Caleb Woodbridge

Exhaustion, Death and Doctor Who

Blimey, it’s been busy. I’m now mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted! I’m now looking forward to a quiet weekend before heading off to Word Alive on Monday as part of a group from the Christian Union.

I’m trying to edit a story I’ve been working on for Creative Writing into shape to submit to SFX magazine’s “Pulp Idol” short story competition. I’m finding the word limit of 2000 words rather tight though. It’s a good exercise in trying to cut the story down to the real core of what’s necessary to tell it, and in “killing my babies” by taking out bits that I really like but don’t really add anything. The story is called Death’s Dawn, or maybe Death at Dawn or if I want to be a bit retro, The Dawn of Death. It’s just a matter of shaping it to the new length, really, which I should be able to do by 5pm on Saturday.

The Doctor Who coverage is kicking in now, and rumour has it that trailers will be starting on Saturday. I made the news page of Outpost Gallifrey with my review, which I find rather cool. My hits have gone through the roof today with Who fans swarming to read about New Earth. Watch this space for more from me about the press launch!

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