A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum…

The UCCF Forum, that is, and something funny hasn’t happened on the way yet, because I don’t leave for two hours. But I just wanted to use that title! Yes indeed, I’m off to the annual shindig of Christian Union leaders at Quinta, sneaking in since I’m on the Cardiff CU’s publicity team.

It should be interesting – like the Church in general, and CU in particular, I sometimes have my issues with the way things are done when I feel that more could be done, or things could be done better, to serve God wholeheartedly, to spread the revolution of the Kingdom of God, and to share his transforming love with those around us.

But it’s always exciting to come together with people passionate about the same Good News – be it the good people of Bala Evangelical Church when I’m at home, Mackintosh Evangelical Church in Cardiff, the Navigators, Cardiff CU or UCCF – even when there are differences on the way we approach things!

And it’ll be great to catch up with some of the wonderful people I have the privilige of knowing at Cardiff, friends such as Ben, Becca, Sam and lots of others (who I won’t list because, firstly I don’t have time to list anyone; secondly, it’d be worse to try and list everyone and miss someone out, and thirdly, I’m not sure of the complete list of who is and isn’t going from Cardiff CU!)

Another thing that will be “interesting” is that I’ll be camping, and cooking meals on a camping stove! Hopefully I won’t starve or die of food poisoning…

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