Happy Birthday to me!

I’m 20 years old today!

This morning my housemates Ian, Ben, Steve and Tom and I had a cooked breakfast of bacon, egg, beans and toast, and I opened my presents. They got me The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on DVD, so ta muchly for that – I really enjoy that film!

Mum and Dad got me Francis Schaeffer’s trilogy, comprising The God Who Is There, Escape from Reason and He is there and is not silent and a shaver. Becky got me – joy of joys! – a sonic screwdriver, so I can now go around pretending to be Doctor Who with even more authenticity (I’ve already got a leather jacket). I got a new digital camera partly from Grandma and Opa, though I’m making a contribution towards it. I need to get a memory card for it, though. I’ve also had cards, vouchers, cheques and cash from other friends and family, so a massive thank you to everyone! I hope to thank you all individually over the next few days.

So, my teenage years are over. I never was a stereotypical teenager. I’m glad to say that I’ve been able to talk to my parents openly through my teenage years, and have had the pleasure of having them as friends and not just as relatives. I wonder whether that is that really anything unusual. Sure, the pressures of growing up and the gradual shift of power and responsibility as you change from a child to an adult can cause tensions, but it really annoys me that there’s almost the expectation that teenagers will become moody and grumpy and rebel against everything their parents say. It needn’t be like that, and if that’s what we expect of our youngsters, then many of them will live up to that. And don’t get me started on the myths peddled in our society about being a student…

On Saturday I’m having a birthday party at my house from 6pm – if you’re around then you’re welcome to come! Food and drink, fun and games, chilling and chatting. Optional fancy dress as characters from books, film and television. Bring friends, and please bring some food or drink. Email me if you’re planning on coming (see my profile for my email address).

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