Caleb Woodbridge

Ho hum… down to revision

Well, exams are almost upon me, so I need to be getting down to my revision, which I’m not finding easy. I won’t stop long, I’m behind schedule. Just a couple of comments:

I went to see Dracula in the theatre yesterday with Claire, Philip and David from church, which was fun, though the play was a bit disappointing. They’d tried to update it to the modern day, and so the characters were using email and mobile phones and stuff a lot of the time. It only really served to distract and to throw in some jokes about Buffy and Hammer Horror, unfortunately. I enjoyed seeing Colin Baker, who played the sixth Doctor Who, as Professor Van Helsing, though.

I’m faced with a bit of a dilemma about tomorrow, though… I’ve been meaning to get round to going to Woody Bap for a while, since I like to occasionally venture out and meet the wider Christian community, and I saw that they’ve got a baptism service tomorrow, and it’s always exciting to see what God has done in people’s lives. So I’d like to go tomorrow morning. But it’s also the Student Lunch at Mackintosh, and I don’t want to miss either the food or the company! Decisions, decisions.

Anyway, I’m off to have lunch and then back to revision.

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