Home sweet home at last

Well, I’m home. And not just for a flying visit but back for the summer. It’s great seeing family and friends once more. I’ve just got back from my church’s midweek meeting, where we were hearing from Hywel Meredith about the work of Tearfund in Rwanda and Uganda, which was really interesting. It was lovely to see the dear folks of the church again, and it’s nice being back with my family. I’m even pleased to see my sisters again!The last week or so has been very busy, though, and in the last twelve days or so I’ve probably spent the equivalent of an entire waking day travelling, mostly by train. I’ve had a great time, but it’s been pretty tiring. The CU beach party, Navs conference, Contagious training day and time spent with friends in London has been really fun, exciting and challenging and I’ll tell all soon. Well, edited highlights, anyway!Today I went in for induction at Somerfield, where I’ll be starting work tomorrow. I was shown the introductory video and made to fill out various forms, and I start tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to it particularly, and I’m disappointed that I probably won’t be able to go on beach mission because I’m tied down by it, but I need to earn some money. It’s a pain, but I have to live with it, and I pray that God will give me a right attitude so that I’ll work hard and enjoy it as much as possible. Anyway, I need to get off to bed, but hopefully I’ll have time to write more tomorrow evening.

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