The Hunting of a House

The search for a house for next year is on! Yesterday Steve, Ben, Ian and myself went to look at our first potential house (Tom, the fifth housemate, couldn’t make it then). We decided it was too small – the living room was barely big enough for five people to comfortably be in there, let alone any friends who might come round. Funnily enough, it turned out to be the house which Lisa, president of the Debating Society, currently lives in, so if we were interested it would be easy for me to ask her more about the house after one of the meetings.

After looking at that house, we went to a nearby pub and looked through the Students’ Union list of properties to shortlist them over a drink (Ben kindly bought me a cola, since I’d had to spend my money on library fines earlier, since I’d forgotten about some books!) We phoned up to arrange to see some of the houses, so that’s what we’ll be doing this afternoon, this time with all five of us. I hope we’ll find somewhere good!

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