Caleb Woodbridge

I’m still alive, honest

Mum’s been pestering me to update my blog and now that I’ve finished doing all the Christian Union publicity for Freshers’ Week, I’ve now found time to do so. I’ve also been busy with settling in to my new house on Miskin Street. Unfortunately the shower has been leaking into the living room, and is directy above the television and electric sockets, though someone has come round and is currently trying to fix it.

The Christian Union’s Internationals welcome events and Freshers’ Week events have also been keeping me busy, with all sorts of events going on. It’s been fun meeting loads of Freshers – Phoebe, a friend from Contagious arrived last week, and over the last couple of days I’ve met hordes of people including Rachel from Worcester, Lucinda from Ireland, Dave who also went on Contagious, Lizzie who emailed me a few months ago to ask what Cardiff was like, Libby who is the sister of a friend from the Nefyn mission, Britain (not sure if it’s spelt like that!) who is from Hawaii, Danni (again, not sure of spelling) who’s studying English Lit and Italian and many, many others!

It’s all been rather manic, and that’s without mentioning my new responsibilities with editing Quench’s Debate page and planning for the Debating Society and so on. Fortunately things are calming down slightly now!

Anyway, here’s a few items of note I’ve come across on the web lately:

And if I get time, I hope to blog about:

I’ve got an important blog entry almost ready to publish looking back on my intellectual and spiritual journey since coming to university, so stay tuned for that!

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