It’s been a while…

It’s been a while since I updated my blog, but things have been pretty hectic. One reason is the Christian Union Life mission that’s been taking place this week – a week for people to question and explore the Christian faith. I’ve been running around, helping distribute flyers, do evangelistic questionnaires and other stuff. The speaker, Dick Dowsett, is very good, and some friends have come to events and I’ve had some really interesting discussions and stuff. I think there’s lots that we could learn to do better from the mission, and I hope to think over ways that Christians can be more effective in communicating the good news of Jesus.

In other news, Gair Rhydd, the student newspaper here at Cardiff, became the first newspaper in Britain to reprint one of the cartoons of Mohammed. Shortly afterward hitting the stands, the decision was taken to withdraw the issue, and around 98% of copies have been recovered and shredded. (But not before one of my housemates had taken a copy, but I better keep quiet about that!) The editor and two other journalists (three in total) have been suspended, though whether this is legal under the Education Act 1986 and Students’ Union Constitution is a matter of debate…

A friend of mine (who will remain nameless) first of all had the bright idea of photocopying the offending article and distributing it around the university in the name of free speech. Fortunately, he seems to have given up on that idea in favour of trying to get the Students’ Union to alter its constitution to protect free speech better. Good luck to him!

Doctor Who was filiming just a few streets away, so I enjoyed looking around and watching the filming as much as I was able. I’ll hopefully get some photos online soon, but first I need to find the cable for connecting the digital camera to the computer…

The results of my facial hair poll are in, and I’ve paid a visit to the hairdresser! I’ll reveal all by posting a picture on my blog sometime soon!

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