I’ve been a bit busy with writing, working at Somerfield and lazing around in the glorious sunshine, so haven’t had much time to write my blog. (Plus I’ve also got some other projects on the go – I’m working on the CU Freshers’ Welcome Magazine, for example). And tomorrow, early in the morning, I’ll be getting up at silly o’clock to travel to the airport to go on holiday to Cephalonia with my family. That’s the Greek island of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin fame, by the way, and not somewhere in Wales as a certain friend of mine thought!

Very handily, the new Harry Potter book is out just in time to take as holiday reading. Yes, it’s hideously over-hyped, but I still enjoy the books enough to want to read it. Books four and five could really have done with some proper editing to tighten them up. I’ve just reread The Order of the Phoenix, and there’s good stuff in there, but it would probably be twice as good if it were half the length.

Going off on another tangent, I had a strange night of dreams, which included being asked to sing in an opera (anyone who’s heard my musical efforts will be laughing their heads off now, I expect), a car chase through Victorian Cardiff, and being caught up in an invasion of an Iron Age village only to be issued with a questionnaire from the invaders asking such questions as “Do you have any particular skills or obligations within the village that may prevent you from being taken away to be trained up as a member of our army?” and “How likely are you to do the following: a) mount peaceful resistance? b) mount violent resistance?” and so on. I then tried changing into dark brown and green clothes so I’d be more camoflaged in the forest, but they arrived before I got my trousers on. I was running away up a hill from them, trying to use Harry Potter’s wand to summon my trousers with the spell Accio Trousers! However, my trousers did not come flying through the air towards me as I intended.

Well, I just have to survive a day in Somerfield during the Sesiwn Fawr music festival which is currently taking place here in Dolgellau, which means the shop will be absolutely chock-a-block with people buying booze. I’ll blog again in a week or so…


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