Caleb Woodbridge

My beard: save or shave? You vote!

Who's that clean-shaven bloke with short hair?

I’ve been wondering whether it’s time to shave off that beard and cut back my long hair to a more manageable length. Since I can’t decide, I’m throwing it open to a public vote!

Should I…

  1. Keep my hair and beard growing as they are?
  2. Cut my hair but keep my beard?
  3. Shave my beard but keep my hair?
  4. Get rid of both my beard and my long hair?

Oh, and taking inspiration from the fundraising effort for the Cardiff CU mission whereby £600 was raised by Ian Thomson pledging to shave his head if over £500 was raised, you can make your vote count as five votes by donating to the Cardiff Christian Union mission fund!

Vote closes 31st January. No anonymous votes will be counted, to avoid multiple voting. Vote now!

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