Caleb Woodbridge

My Quest

Now that I’ve got a couple of months mostly free over the summer (apart from Contagious and time spent working at Somerfield) I really want to re-examine my reasons for believing in the Christian faith. I can’t be complacent about the thing I am basing my life on, and I need to do my best to ensure that to the best of my knowledge I’m believing in and acting on the basis of what is true.

As such, I want to examine various evidences, consider the plausibility of different worldviews and seek to examine what is true. It’s not that I’ve got any big doubts about Christianity, and I’m going to continue in my Christian walk, but as part of “serving God with all my mind” I believe that having rational sufficient reason and evidence for what I believe is very important. I hope I will be able to examine the evidence as fairly as possible.

So I’m going to be reading up on various things – the reliability of the Gospels, questions of origins (creation and evolution and all that mallarkey), the historical evidence for the resurrection and so on. I’ll be posting some of my thoughts on my findings on here, and so would welcome comments, discussion, recommendations of books and articles and so on. I’ve got the wonderful luxury of plenty of time to spend on the search for truth, so I hope to make full use of it.

I’ve also got some other stuff I’m planning to write, though. Some of the stuff that will hopefully be coming soon to a computer screen near you includes:

So watch out for those!


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