Caleb Woodbridge

The New CU Committee

The new CU committee is due to be announced at the main meeting tomorrow evening (as well as other more lowly positions), and I’ve managed to discover some of the lucky people that have been chosen.

Of course, I wouldn’t dream of revealing such information before it is revealed through the official channels, but here’s some of my reaction with various bits blanked out with question marks – ??? for just a word or two, and ??????? for longer phrases.

I’ve found out that ??? is going to be on the CU committee in the role of ???, and since ??? is ??? this means that I can take a role like that of ??? to ???. So I’ll be whispering ??? to ???, and when ??? comes to speak to him, I’ll be there saying “???????” when ??? asks “???????”

Since I’m ???????, this means I’ll be able to ??????? without having to do any of the hard work of ??????? or ???????. Unfortunately, it means I’ll sometimes have a ??? of ??? in my ??? for various ???. Ah well, every ??? has its ???.

Come back later in the week when all will be revealed, but in the mean time, try filling in the blanks to comic effect, like this, only funny:

I’ve found out that Ian Paisley is going to be on the CU committee in the role of Fuhrer, and since the Pope is now treasurer this means I can take a role like that of the Lib Dems to politics. So I’ll be whispering peace to both, and when Ben Carswell comes to speak to him, I’ll be there saying “Please stop the in-fighting!” when Ben asks “How are things going?”

Since I’m the new Secretary, this means I’ll be able to make tea without having to do any of the hard work of bullying the CU into action or doing things any different from the past 50 years. Unfortunately, it means I’ll sometimes have a spoonful of sugar in my tea for various diplomatic reasons. Ah well, every CU has its nutters.

Some of those words may actually appear in the real thing, but not necessarily in the same place. “The Pope”, “Lib Dems” and, sadly, “tea” are definitely not in there, and I’m not the new secretary. Which leaves the possibility open that Ian Paisley is either the Fuhrer or new treasurer of CU, so you’ll have to stay tuned!

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