Caleb Woodbridge

Obligatory Moan About Work

Yes, it’s that time of year when lectures end, deadlines loom and exams come rushing towards you with all the speed and vicious enthusiasm of a particularly mindless and vicious cavalry charge. In these circumstances, the most trivial of activities, from blogging to su dokus to rearranging paperclips take on a new and fascinating attraction.

But to be honest, things aren’t going too badly. My English essays are due in next Tuesday, but I’ve already got my Creative Writing portfolio (3,500 words) in the can, have only a bit of redrafting to do on my John Donne essay and wrote around 900 more words today of my Myth & Saga essay, leaving only 400 of the 1600 left to write.

So if I can keep up today’s level of work, I’ll be almost finished on my English work tomorrow, which will leave me free to get down to my History revision for my two exams on the 2nd and the 8th of June. Although this will, to be honest, be fairly intense because they’re worth three-quarters of each module, covering the year’s work, and I’ve not really done much revision yet.

One thing I’ve found helpful is being able to go to the Chaplaincy to work, since Lorraine Cavanagh has kindly said that anyone who uses the chaplaincy is welcome to come in and use it as a quiet place for work when it isn’t in use. Having somewhere quiet to go, without distractions – no Internet, none of my books or magazines lying around, very few people coming in and out – is very welcome. Even the library can have its distraction, such as the newspapers which contain those deadly diversions: crosswords and su dokus. Today I stayed down there much of the day, since the weekly £1 lunch in the Chaplaincy saved me having to leave to get food, and I enjoyed chatting with Lorraine over lunch, though only two other people came this week, presumably because fewer people are around the university buildings now that lectures have finished.

Well, I’m looking forward to the summer, and have begun looking for work over it. I’m looking forward to staying around in Cardiff for a bit, and while I do so, hopefully earning some money in more interesting ways than working in Somerfield in Dolgellau!

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