Caleb Woodbridge

Off on my adventures

Well, Mum and Dad came to pick all my stuff up from halls yesterday, and I leave Cardiff for the summer tomorrow morning. Today I’m going to the Christian Union beach party, which should be good – hopefully the weather will brighten up.

So where am I going? First of all, up to Scotland to a conference of the Navigators (a Christian group rather than anything to do with orienteering!). That’s from Sunday evening to Friday morning. Friday afternoon, I’m travelling down to London, and I’ll stay with Steve, a friend from the Christian youth conference Contagious, because the training day for Contagious is on Saturday. I’m on the Taskforce team, which is basically those who are getting too old to keep coming as punters carrying on coming as helpers to the leaders. And on Monday 20th, I’ll be heading all the way back up to Dolgellau. So it’s a busy 10 days or so ahead of me!

As far as I know, I won’t have Internet access for most of that time, so don’t expect any blog entries for a while. Toodle pip!

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