Caleb Woodbridge


Ah, the chaos of packing. Everything is beginning to fall into order (or at least, be stuffed in boxes which are then forced shut so the disorder is hidden within them).

My housemates and I have been trying to achieve some degree of co-ordination by emailing each other to say what we’re planning on bringing. I’ve been compiling this information into a spreadsheet so we can see what nobody is bringing so we can try and bring it and what everybody is bringing so that hopefully only one person will bring it.

I’m looking forward to going back to Cardiff. Although it’s nice to be with my family and see friends at home again, it was a bit dull just working at Somerfield and working away on my writing and on the CU Freshers Welcome Magazine in the time I had left. It’ll be great to see the many friends I’ve made at Cardiff again, get back into student life, meet this year’s intake of freshers and have the challenge of fresh studies.

Well, I hope to keep track of what I’m up to on here, but it’ll be pretty busy – I’m helping with the CU’s Internationals events, going to the Navigators weekend away and am involved with the Freshers events of both groups. And there’s so much more to be doing, too! The challenge for me is choosing the best things and not biting off more than I can chew…

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