The New CU Committee

The new CU committee is due to be announced at the main meeting tomorrow evening (as well as other more lowly positions), and I’ve managed to discover some of the lucky people that have been chosen.

Of course, I wouldn’t dream of revealing such information before it is revealed through the official channels, but here’s some of my reaction with various bits blanked out with question marks – ??? for just a word or two, and ??????? for longer phrases.

I’ve found out that ??? is going to be on the CU committee in the role of ???, and since ??? is ??? this means that I can take a role like that of ??? to ???. So I’ll be whispering ??? to ???, and when ??? comes to speak to him, I’ll be there saying “???????” when ??? asks “???????”

Since I’m ???????, this means I’ll be able to ??????? without having to do any of the hard work of ??????? or ???????. Unfortunately, it means I’ll sometimes have a ??? of ??? in my ??? for various ???. Ah well, every ??? has its ???.

Come back later in the week when all will be revealed, but in the mean time, try filling in the blanks to comic effect, like this, only funny:

I’ve found out that Ian Paisley is going to be on the CU committee in the role of Fuhrer, and since the Pope is now treasurer this means I can take a role like that of the Lib Dems to politics. So I’ll be whispering peace to both, and when Ben Carswell comes to speak to him, I’ll be there saying “Please stop the in-fighting!” when Ben asks “How are things going?”

Since I’m the new Secretary, this means I’ll be able to make tea without having to do any of the hard work of bullying the CU into action or doing things any different from the past 50 years. Unfortunately, it means I’ll sometimes have a spoonful of sugar in my tea for various diplomatic reasons. Ah well, every CU has its nutters.

Some of those words may actually appear in the real thing, but not necessarily in the same place. “The Pope”, “Lib Dems” and, sadly, “tea” are definitely not in there, and I’m not the new secretary. Which leaves the possibility open that Ian Paisley is either the Fuhrer or new treasurer of CU, so you’ll have to stay tuned!

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“That’s Allah Folks!”

Gair Rhydd means 'free word', funnily enoughThat punning title was the headline for Gair Rhydd‘s coverage of the controversy over the cartoons of Mohammed, as seen in the photo. Unfortunately, the paper itself became sucked into the furore because the article was accompanied one of the troublesome cartoons (not shown here!)

When my housemate brought back a copy of the new Gair Rhydd on Saturday, I was surprised that they had printed one of the cartoons, but didn’t imagine the reaction it would provoke. I didn’t realise the fuss until I tried to go up to the Gair Rhydd office on the Tuesday, and was stopped by a security guard who wouldn’t tell me what was happening. I was then puzzled by the absence of the paper around the Union, but didn’t know what was happening until I received a text from my Dad telling me he’d just seen on the BBC lunchtime news that the paper was being pulped.

Between the printing deadlines and the paper hitting university stands, the international situation and reaction to the cartoons developed rapidly and alarmingly. The decision was taken shortly after the paper was printed. The precise details of who decided what, who pushed who and so on are rather murky, and I’m told that there is not actually any provision in the Students’ Union constitution for the suspension of the editor or reporters as happened. I’m sure this issue will be raised at the Students’ Union AGM this evening, and will likely rumble on for some time.

Contrary to The Oxford Student‘s patronising and uninformed article “What was Gair Rhydd thinking?”, this wasn’t “infantile attention-seeking”, nor the taking of a deliberate stand on issues of free speech (although there are very interesting issues surrounding free speech raised by the cartoon controversy, I’ll discuss them some other time). The cartoon was printed simply for information purposes, not to offend or provoke, by people who didn’t realise the implications of what they were doing.

The Respect Party (which probably couldn’t have much less respect following Galloway’s antics in the Big Brother house) was outside the Union trying to get people to sign a petition against Islamophobia at Gair Rhydd. While well-intended, it was only worstening the situation by perpetuating the idea that Gair Rhydd was deliberately out to offend Muslims. It wasn’t: it printed the cartoon for information purposes not realising how offended Muslims would be. The decision to print the cartoon was incompetent rather Islamophobic.

Tomorrow the suspended students will face their disciplinary hearings over what happened. I hope the powers that be see sense and reinstates them – they were ignorant and insensitive, but what’s needed is understanding and reconciliation, not a witch-hunt.

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Poll results!

The results are in!

Shave – 4 votes
Trim- 5 votes
Save – 0 votes

Shave – 2 votes
Trim – 4 votes
Save – 2 votes

So I’ve trimmed my beard and also my hair (well, went to the hairdressers for a haircut – I didn’t cut my hair personally), and I now look like the photo. (Well, roughly, it’s not that good a picture. I’ve got an odd expression. Or do I always look like that?) I ought to have taken a picture immediately before for comparison, but you’ll just have to take my word for it that it’s shorter. It’s brought my hair under control a bit – it was starting to have a life of it’s own, rather like medusa with her hair of snakes!

I’ll probably try another look around Easter time – perhaps really have an attack on my facial hair, and have a very short haircut and no beard. You’ll have to wait and see!

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It’s been a while…

It’s been a while since I updated my blog, but things have been pretty hectic. One reason is the Christian Union Life mission that’s been taking place this week – a week for people to question and explore the Christian faith. I’ve been running around, helping distribute flyers, do evangelistic questionnaires and other stuff. The speaker, Dick Dowsett, is very good, and some friends have come to events and I’ve had some really interesting discussions and stuff. I think there’s lots that we could learn to do better from the mission, and I hope to think over ways that Christians can be more effective in communicating the good news of Jesus.

In other news, Gair Rhydd, the student newspaper here at Cardiff, became the first newspaper in Britain to reprint one of the cartoons of Mohammed. Shortly afterward hitting the stands, the decision was taken to withdraw the issue, and around 98% of copies have been recovered and shredded. (But not before one of my housemates had taken a copy, but I better keep quiet about that!) The editor and two other journalists (three in total) have been suspended, though whether this is legal under the Education Act 1986 and Students’ Union Constitution is a matter of debate…

A friend of mine (who will remain nameless) first of all had the bright idea of photocopying the offending article and distributing it around the university in the name of free speech. Fortunately, he seems to have given up on that idea in favour of trying to get the Students’ Union to alter its constitution to protect free speech better. Good luck to him!

Doctor Who was filiming just a few streets away, so I enjoyed looking around and watching the filming as much as I was able. I’ll hopefully get some photos online soon, but first I need to find the cable for connecting the digital camera to the computer…

The results of my facial hair poll are in, and I’ve paid a visit to the hairdresser! I’ll reveal all by posting a picture on my blog sometime soon!

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What The Relay Workers Did On Their Holidays

Yes, that is our very own Mr Andrew Norbury (or should we call you “Norbs”?) perched there with John Richards behind him doing something that hopefully isn’t as indecent as might first appear! Through careful observation of the blogosphere, I discovered incriminating evidence of what the UCCF Wales team got up to at the Relay 2 conference last week: singing Never Ever with Andrew as a dwarf. Beware, unsuspecting Relay workers – I have eyes and ears everywhere!

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Birmingham Christian Union kicked out by Students’ Union

In EducationGuardian yesterday:

The Christian union at Birmingham University is taking legal action against the student guild after it froze its bank accounts and refused to allow members to book rooms and use facilities.The Evangelical Christian Union (CU) is being penalised by the university’s student union guild for not amending its constitution to allow a guild leader on to the CU executive, and for refusing to open its membership to people of all faiths and beliefs. The guild also expressed concerns over the use of the words “men” and “women” in the constitution, which it said could be seen as excluding transsexual and transgender people.

Also covered by The Times, BBC Birmingham, and ChristianToday.

I know it’s a cliché, but I’ll say it anyway, because it’s true: “Political correctness gone mad!” More thoughts later…

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Beware of the Dalek!

It’s amazing how productive I can become when I have essay writing to put off. For Christmas, I got a miniature Dalek on a keyring, who I’ve called Donald. I’d thought he was housetrained, but now I’m not so sure – click on the link below to see him in action! (500kb file)

Donald the Dalek's Amazing Animated Adventure

Click me!

What, me? Too much time on my hands? Never!

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My beard: save or shave? You vote!

Who's that clean-shaven bloke with short hair?Believe it or not, it's the same as this guy who seems to be trying to enter a John the Baptist lookalike competition

I’ve been wondering whether it’s time to shave off that beard and cut back my long hair to a more manageable length. Since I can’t decide, I’m throwing it open to a public vote!

Should I…

  1. Keep my hair and beard growing as they are?
  2. Cut my hair but keep my beard?
  3. Shave my beard but keep my hair?
  4. Get rid of both my beard and my long hair?

Oh, and taking inspiration from the fundraising effort for the Cardiff CU mission whereby £600 was raised by Ian Thomson pledging to shave his head if over £500 was raised, you can make your vote count as five votes by donating to the Cardiff Christian Union mission fund!

Vote closes 31st January. No anonymous votes will be counted, to avoid multiple voting. Vote now!

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