Top-up fees defeat

The now minority Labour administration of the Welsh Assembly Government faced its first defeat when opposition party members ganged up to vote against the introduction of top-up fees in Wales. [BBC News]

They showed images of the demonstration down in the Bay which I went to in December, including me waving my placard! I seem to be in their stock clip of that event, and they seem to show it every time top-up fees in Wales hits the headlines, and each time I get a flurry of people saying “Caleb! I saw you on the news!” which is quite fun.

Anyway, it’s good to see that the demonstration wasn’t in vain, and that Labour was defeated on this despite the apathetically low turnout of students at the protest.

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The #1 Not Getting Down to Revision Page

On a lighter note, I found out from Statcounte that someone came to my blog through searching for the phrase “not getting down to revision”, and that I’m the first site of 1,600,000 that comes up when you search for that on Google. I’m not really sure whether to be pleased or not!

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Very sad news…

My grandmother on my Mum’s side, Gerda Cummins, died last night.

She’d been in a nursing home for quite a while, and wasn’t at all well, and spent much of the time just sitting around being bored out of her mind, so it is something of a relief, though obviously still very painful for us to be parted from her. Prayers for our family, especially my grandfather Douglas and for my Mum, would be very much appreciated.

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Yay! I don’t have another exam until Friday 27th, so I’ve got a bit of a breather after three exams in as many days, which has been a bit stressful. I’m looking forward to having finished and being able to enjoy doing other stuff. There’s lots of reading I’d like to do over the summer of various stuff, for example.

Speaking of books… over on at the moment, the new Doctor Who novel The Gallifrey Chronicles is second only to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the pre-orders chart – blimey! It’s not due out until June 6th, but I got my copy last week from the Comic Guru shop here in Cardiff. A pretty good read, but it was perhaps a bit too focused on tying up the loose end from previous novels at the expense of its own story.

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The Royal Society Against Cruelty to Daleks

The Times is reporting that the BBFC has ruled that the recent Doctor Who episode Dalek showed “excessive cruelty” to the metal meanie, and that the Dalek being tortured under the instructions of baddie Henry Van Statten sets a bad example to children. The forthcoming DVD has been given a 12 rating.

If you wish to help campaign against the torture of fictional genocidal biomechanoids, visit the The Royal Society Against Cruelty to Daleks.

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Ho hum… down to revision

Well, exams are almost upon me, so I need to be getting down to my revision, which I’m not finding easy. I won’t stop long, I’m behind schedule. Just a couple of comments:

I went to see Dracula in the theatre yesterday with Claire, Philip and David from church, which was fun, though the play was a bit disappointing. They’d tried to update it to the modern day, and so the characters were using email and mobile phones and stuff a lot of the time. It only really served to distract and to throw in some jokes about Buffy and Hammer Horror, unfortunately. I enjoyed seeing Colin Baker, who played the sixth Doctor Who, as Professor Van Helsing, though.

I’m faced with a bit of a dilemma about tomorrow, though… I’ve been meaning to get round to going to Woody Bap for a while, since I like to occasionally venture out and meet the wider Christian community, and I saw that they’ve got a baptism service tomorrow, and it’s always exciting to see what God has done in people’s lives. So I’d like to go tomorrow morning. But it’s also the Student Lunch at Mackintosh, and I don’t want to miss either the food or the company! Decisions, decisions.

Anyway, I’m off to have lunch and then back to revision.

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I’m alive!

As I walked into the city centre to buy the new Doctor Who novel, The Gallifrey Chronicles, (which isn’t officially due out for a couple of weeks, but I got wind on the Internet that the Comic Guru shop has already got copies in, so I nipped down at lunchtime) it occurred to me just how fortunate we are in this time and country compared to most human beings through history and across the world. Many people have lived, and live, on a basic subsistance lifestyle, with little opportunity for much leisure or learning or luxury. But just look at my life – more books than I’ve got time to read, plenty of friends, comfort, the opportunity to spend time studying and learning, and enough spare time and money to get up to all sorts of stuff of my own deciding. How lucky is all that? Or rather, how much God has blessed us!

And to top it all, lovely weather and sunshine to enjoy. It just makes me laugh out loud with joy and pleasure, it really does. Though it might be a bit alarming to other people, seeing me running gleefully down the street for the sheer pleasure of it, laughing loudly out of joy of being alive!

I’m also really enjoying rereading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. I’m reading a chapter or two each evening in bed, just before settling down to sleep, with a mug of hot chocolate to drink while I do so. Enjoying a good book in this way is one of the small, beautiful pleasures in life.

Yes, the world is full of sadness, injustice and pain, and I’m a very flawed being. Lots of the luxury we enjoy is because we are living beyond our means in terms of the way we treat . That needs to be changed, and I don’t cease to feel that, or want to change that. But life is good, and God is good, and his creation is good, and there are just so many wonderful things for me to enjoy in life, I just thrill with the pleasure of being alive.

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Delusions of Democracy?

My latest article is now in the Gair Rhydd on the problems with our current system. I wrote it before the election, but the results bear out my argument. Labour has got in with a comfortable majority despite only having 35% of the vote, and despite having only 2.9% more of the vote than the Conservatives, got 67 more sears (click here for the results).

Anyway, here’s my article, “Delusions of Democracy” (great headline, in my opinion – big thanks to whoever thought that up): Oh, wait, no. My disc isn’t cooperating, so I’ll have to wait until some other time to post it here. Never mind!

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Poem: The Body of Christ

The Church Spiritual [Listen]

A people purposed for his pleasure
A temple built as his treasure
A body grown for his glory
Together in Christ we are made

Bound together in eternity
The cords of love joining in harmony
The Lord of life our Unity
Together in Christ we stand

Imperfect many by one love united
Diverse parts by one purpose jointed
Many rebels by one Saviour forgiven
Different gifts by one Spirit for us given
Together in Christ we live

There in heaven we share his glory
There in glory we share new life
There alive we share his perfection
There perfected we join his praise
Together with Christ, forever amazed

The Church Visible [Listen]

People squabbling their displeasure
Money and status their own treasure
Attacking each other for their own glory
Divided against ourselves we fall

Breaking away quite regularly
Rivalry and anger causing discord
Our factions and fights our Disunity
Divided by pride we split

Hypocrites by many pretensions united
Similar parties by many politics motivated
Many seekers by our arrogance alienated
Different gifts into one mold crushed
Divided in heart we kill

Here on earth we parade our sinfulness
Here in sin we share our guilt
Here dead in love we dishonour his name
Here unrepentant we cause him shame
Divided from Christ, but for his grace

by Caleb Woodbridge.

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Revolutionary Christianity

I’ve been thinking over some stuff recently, and I wrote this which I’ve posted on the Cardiff CU message board:

How dare we turn Christianity into the respectable, sanitized and insipid parody of the radical teachings of Jesus Christ that we so often live today? Christianity shouldn’t be something nice and polite and middle class. Look at the heroes of the faith, described in Hebrews 11:

“They were stoned; they were sawn in two; they were put to the death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and ill-treaded – the world was not worthy of them!”

We need to regain something of the awe and terror of coming into the holy presence of almighty perfect God. We need that faith that enables us to proclaim the Gospel boldly. Like the Caleb and Joshua of the Bible, to have the nerve through faith to go and take possession of the promised land, since if God is with us, we can certainly do it. Christians awake! Let us rise up and live lives of faith, transformed by Christ, lives of love and holiness.

I know how hard this is. I’m not trying to say that I’m any better at this than anyone else. It’s because I know how difficult this is I am so concerned about this, and I appeal to you to join together in supporting each other because I know my own heart and how easy it is to just let things slide. Any change needs to be rooted in the fundamentals of coming as individuals to God daily in prayer and worship and Bible study. But if that’s the basis ofr the change in our hearts, it needs also to have an effect and be worked out in every area of our lives.

How about our possessions? There isn’t anything inherently wrong with them, and the Biblical teaching is stewardship – personally owning possessions to use for the common good in the service of God. However, Jesus is very clear that he must be lord of our lives. Can we really say that we put him first over our television, our books, our DVDs, our money, our CDs and so on? We need . We also need to be a light to the world, to show up its false values and thinking by the word of God, both taught and put into practice in our lives.

I’m deadly serious now; I’m not trying to be flippant, so let’s discuss this seriously in the light of God’s word and our duty to love and holiness, but don’t you think it would be very good both for us putting God first in our lives and as a visible sign to the world, to go through our possessions, take out all that we have no real need or use for, and either give it away or sell it to give the money to those in need? The more visible the better – my first idea was a bonfire outside the Students’ Union, but I thought that rather wasteful and it could be misinterpreted as a narrow-minded book-burning type of action. We must, of course, be careful to be humble, and not to do this for our own glory, but we also need to show the world how wrong they’ve got it and how their way of life is not the only way.

Also, in what ways can we live more simply and ethically, both because of the moral rightness of not living excessively, and as a way of showing the world that you don’t need to spend loads of money on entertainment, clothes, food and so on. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important the food, and the body more important than clothes?”

Other things too – those are just a couple of suggestions to get us started. How can we really put into practice the teachings of Jesus? How can we restructure our lives so the Gospel is the very foundation for the way we act and think, and not something we try and add on as an afterthought? How can we be the church as the church should be, a genuine, loving community of believers, which isn’t a closed-off clique, but is part of the wider community and reaches out to it?

Please, please, don’t answer with a glib “Yes, Caleb, very nice, but in the real world…” type response. We need to reach the world for Christ, have our lives transformed, not just add a veneer of Christianity on top of the way everyone else lives. My suggestions might well not be the best way of going about things, but I’m pretty sure we’ve got it drastically wrong at the moment, so let’s work out what is the right way to live the lives of love and obedience God calls us to.

I’m fed up with the “spiritual schizophrenia” in my life. The things I believe, the beliefs I profess, the songs I sing, are wonderful, beautiful things, but they penetrate my life so superficially. The church, although there are a lot of people who are very sincere, devoted and lovely people, is often and in many ways weak, disengaged from our culture and communities, superficial and really not all that different from the rest of the world. I want to see us bringing glory to God, having our entire lives and communities transformed by him, for us to be knitted together by love.

When I read passages like “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men”, and “You are the light of the world…”, it honestly makes me want to weep. There’s a world that’s dying out there, but are we bringing the Gospel to it effectively? How much do we even really care? Perhaps you are, which is one of the reasons why I bring up these questions, because I just feel so very inadequate, and sadly it doesn’t seem to me that we’re doing a very good job.

God help us.

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