Poem: I see a world

I see a world of heartless life,
A life of worthless gain
I see the gain of joyless pleasure
By people of guiltless shame

I see the shame of unlived care
And careless, thoughtless lives
I see the ache of friendless hearts
Half-hidden by cheerful lies

I see reports of our unjust world
Glib terror for our viewing pleasure
I see the products of unseen pain
With tears we’ve bought our treasure

I see the flow of Godless souls
Chasing their soulless gods
I see the hopeless death of hope
Meaningless, despair, taken hold

All this I see, but what makes me scared
is seeing in my heart how little I’ve cared

By Caleb Woodbridge.
[Click here to listen]

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Blog of the Dalek

Not only did the Dalek in last week’s Doctor Who episode “download the entire Internet”, it also seems he’s started his own LiveJournal to record his misery! A short extract:


Meanwhile, the BBC provides an invaluable public service to students in need of distraction from their revision with their game The Last Dalek. “Be a force of ultimate evil” – you know you want to!

In other news, the Journalism department has lost my The Curse of Fenric DVD which I handed in with my essay which did a textual analysis on episode two of that Doctor Who story. I went to see Dr Matt Hills, and he says he’ll try and find it, and will arrange for a replacement if they’ve lost it. Slightly annoying, but after playing it back over and over to analyse it, I’m in no hurry to see it again. I got a mark of 58% on the essay, which I’m slightly disappointed with but it doesn’t seem too bad in relation to other people.

One thing I found interesting was that I got a comment in the margin telling me off for mentioning what the makers intended, since apparently it’s “irrelevant to textual analysis”. What a load of twaddle – the entire point of any kind of text is in some sense to communicate something, be it argument, emotion, ambiguity, story or whatever. I might take the time to have a longer rant about this sometime, but I better get back to revision!

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Well, I’ve just been to vote. It’s likely to be a close thing here in Cardiff Central between Labour and Lib Dems – Jon Owen Jones, the Labour candidate, only got in by around 600 votes last time. To be honest, I’d be surprised if he got in again after all that Labour’s been through. Wandering around Cathays, most of the posters and signs up are for the Liberal Democrats, with only the occasional Plaid Cymru or Labour poster to be seen. As for the Conservatives? Well, I’ve seen no sign of them apart from a helicopter flying over with a banner saying “Imagine five more years of Tony Blair. Vote Conservative“!

I’ve not been posting on this blog very much. I’m a bit busy with revision and stuff at the moment (or should be). 11 days until my exams start, and I’ve got a pretty hectic revision timetable to keep up with.

I note with interest that one of the upcoming Doctor Who books is called The Stealers of Dreams, a title which is very similar to the Doctor Who script proposal I submitted to Big Finish, The Dream Stealer. I’m planning to use the idea in one of the books in the series I’m planning, so I hope this story won’t be too similar, otherwise it would look liek I’d pinched the idea!

Speaking of Doctor Who, I’ve not commented on the most recent episodes. Aliens of London had farting aliens disguised as MPs while a spaceship containing a space pig crashed into Big Ben, and while it was a bit better than that probably makes it sound, it was probably the weakest episode of the series so far. The second part of that story, World War Three was considerably stronger, and turned the story into a satire on the politics of fear. In one particularly funny scene, one of the Slitheen, disguised as the acting Prime Minister, told the world that alien spaceships are poised above Earth, with Massive Weapons of Destruction capable of being deployed in 45 seconds, and that the United Nations needed to allow Britain to use nuclear weapons against this (actually non-existent) threat. And this was so that they could reduce Earth to a pile of radioactive rubble to sell as fuel in the galactic market. There was also less toilet humour, and when the Slitheen went on the hunt, they were actually quite creepy.

Last Saturday saw the return of the Daleks! Well, one of them anyway, apparently the last Dalek survivor of the last Time War, in which both the the Time Lords and Daleks were destroyed. It was very dramatic, with lots of very tense dialogue and confrontation, but it was also a bit thin on plot and on humour. The Dalek had quite a few nifty new abilities, and came to a suitably disturbing end…

Well, I better get back to work, alas. Last night I was procrastinating my Poetry revision for English by writing my own poetry, which I might post here for comments and criticism sometime soon. Toodle-oo!

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Feeling considerably better today. Yesterday evening I wrote a bit of explanation about my earlier post…

I scared myself today. While in the library this morning, I had a look at a
book. I don’t remember the title, but it caught my eye because it was about one
of the many things that are wrong in this world. The authors had dedicated it to
their children, saying “May your generation put the right the things our
generation failed to do” (or words to that effect).

One of the things that has been dwelling on my mind recently is how hard it is to change things, and how hard it is to change them. Reading that, I thought “I bet that’s what every generation thinks, and it never happens”, and I literally gave a
groan of sheer frustration. It was probably the same kind of phenomenon of
emotion overflowing into physicality as gnashing your teeth.

For a
few seconds, I was angry, not just at the injustice in the world, not just at
the stupid, evil and thoughtless things that people do, but angry at people. At

For a few brief seconds, despair took hold. And it
terrified me – or rather, I terrified me.

Thankfully, although my
rational side might have abandoned me for a moment, God had not, and I realised
just what I was thinking and turned to him to pray for love and patience and
compassion. I can’t say that I feel particularly loving or patient or
compassionate at the moment, but it’s not just about feelings, but about

I pray that by the grace of God he’ll enable me to make
the decision to keep loving, to keep caring, to turn away from any anger or
bitterness, and to never lose hope. That moment of despair, when it felt as if
nothing ever would be done or ever could be done was a moment where my trust in
God, faced with all the darkness of the world, faltered. Not that I denied in my
mind the truths of Christianity, but for a moment I denied in my heart the faith
and hope I have in sovereign God, triumphant over sin and death, and working all
things for good.

It was a terrible wrong, but God is able to handle
my weakness. He is rich in mercy, love and forgiveness, and that’s just so
wonderful for me to know. The Christian life is not easy, but there is always
hope, and God’s love endures forever sustaining me.

I don’t want to
sound poncy or pretentious or as if I’m trying to be “super-spiritual”, but when
I hear about the tragedy of people who care deeply about some injustice in the
world, who see the pain in people’s lives and want to make a difference, but
become angry and bitter and twisted by it, it brings me close to

I was reading an article about the life of Andrea Dworkin,
a radical feminist who died recently. It was gut-wrenching to read what she’d
been through in her life, a life scarred by abuse and pain. She was passionate
in speaking out for women, against the injustices and cruelties they have
suffered. But what’s so sad is how she had become alienated and bitter and angry
herself. And oh, it just breaks my heart to see this world so damaged by sin,
and to see what it turns people into. I pray that God won’t ever let that happen
to me.

And those of you reading this who know Jesus, can I ask you
this? Please don’t live a glib and fluffy Christian life, one where everything
is jolly and smiley. Life isn’t like that. It’s a struggle, and there’s darkness
in the world that needs to be fought against, the light of the Gospel to be
brought to a sad and sorry world. But we are following almighty God, who loves
us, rose from the dead for us, and is with us now, and that gives us joy more
wonderful and profound than any saccharine coating of cheeriness.

Thanks for your supportive comments, by the way – much appreciated!

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Current status: annoyed

At the moment, I’m feeling down, and frustrated at how the world and society and people and life is just so messed up in so many ways, and how it’s so hard to be different or to make a difference, and so many people just don’t care or have despaired of doing anything… and gah! It’s so sad, so tragic and so annoying.

I’m trying to stop myself from getting bitter about it, and I’m praying (and ask that you’d pray too) that God will help me to grow in love towards other people rather than get annoyed with their shortcomings, and not to get down because of my shortcomings, and maintain a sense of joy and hope, because no matter how bad it sometimes seems, there is good in the world, and it’s worth fighting for, to quote Samwise Gamgee. And most of all, that I’ll have faith in Him, that he is working all things to good. I just need his help to make the best of things in this world in the meantime.

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I finished drawing up a revision plan this morning. I now have no further excuse for procrastinating actually revising! My plan of action is roughly as follows:

  • For the next week, focus on finishing my last English essay, to hopefully finish it by the 29th April, which is when I finish lectures
  • May 2nd to 7th – focus on Poetry, Textual Analysis and Medieval Europe modules
  • May 9th to 14th – start doing practice questions for those modules and start revising The Making of the Modern World
  • May 16th – EXAMS BEGIN! Poetry exam in the afternoon
  • May 17th – Medieval Europe Exam (am)
  • May 18th – Textual Analysis Exam (am)
  • May 19th – Hand in History essay, and start focusing my revision on The Making of the Modern World
  • May 23rd-26th – Revise The Making of the Modern World
  • May 27th – The Making of the Modern World exam (am) – FINISHED!

It’s going to be quite intense – please pray that I’ll cope with the pressure and that I’ll not neglect spending quiet time with God (I’m often bad enough at letting it slip anyway!)

By the way, I’ve been joining in with some discussion over on the Cardiff CU forum, so if you want to read it and perhaps chip in with some comments, head over to www.cfcu.co.uk/forum/index.php!

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I’ve had a peep at the statistics gathered by StatCounter for my blog, and I’ve almost reached 2,500 hits since adding the counter at the beginning of the year. I usually get around ten unique visitors per day. Most people come to my blog by following a link either from another blog or from the link I put in my signature on the Cardiff CU and Outpost Gallifrey messageboards. Most of my hits are from the UK, and around one-third are from Cardiff.

Thanks for reading, everyone!

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Who should I vote for?

Well, according to the site Who Should You Vote For, based on my answers to questions on various policies…

Who Should You Vote For?

Labour -42
Conservative -9
Liberal Democrat 25
UK Independence Party 17
Green 26

You should vote: Green
The Green Party, which is of course strong on environmental issues, takes a strong position on welfare issues, but was firmly against the war in Iraq. Other key concerns are cannabis, where the party takes a liberal line, and foxhunting, which unsurprisingly the Greens are firmly against.

…which is a bit odd,

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“Now hear the word of the Lord!”

Sometimes I read the Bible and what I read really jumps out at me as speaking to me about my current worries (see my previous post), and this morning was one of those times. I’m using the M’Cheyne Bible reading plan to read through the Bible in a year. I was catching up on Friday and Saturday’s readings, and some of them really struck me:

The following verses stood out to me in particular:
You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.
Leviticus 20:26

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long.
Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love,
for they are from of old.
Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;
according to your love remember me,
for you are good, O Lord.

Psalms 25:4-7

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are younh, but set and example for the believes in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

They really challenged me, to seek to live a holy life – one that’s different and pure, and that simply because I’m young and seemingly uninfluential, I have no excuse, but should seek to be an example in the way I live. Of course, I’m a sinful, struggling human being just like everyone else, and the only way I can do this is through God who strengthens me. So I pray that he will be working in me, and in his church.

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