The dreaded lurgy

Unfortunately, I’ve been ill with a rather nasty bug of some description. I’ve had it since Saturday, but it was yesterday that it really hit me. I tried to keep going with the day as normal, but it wasn’t a good idea and after a bit I gave in and took myself to bed.

It’s really annoying – just when I want to be getting down to working hard on my essays, this comes along and mucks everything up. We don’t have Journalism lectures or seminars this week to allow us to get on with the essay, which meant I had most of the day free, but I hardly got any work done. I also had to miss the first Navs committee meeting, which is another annoyance.

I’ve got an extension for my History essay, so it’s now due in the first day back after Easter. That’s both a relief, since I don’t have to do a rush job trying to get it done in the time I have left while still recovering from a cold, and a nuisance because I was looking forward to having Easter free from worrying about imminent essays.

I might also get an extension for the Journalism essay. I might be able to manage just the one essay, though. They’re also fussier – Dr Peter Edbury just gave me an extension without needing a Doctor’s certificate of illness, but the Journalism department wants one and its £11.50, which is a bit painful on my bank balance!

Anyway, I’m glad to say that I seem to be on the road to recovery, even if my cough and runny nose are still lingering. I better go and get on with these essays!

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The London Gang

I was about to take myself to bed, but then remembered I meant to upload a couple of pictures. So here they are… (Sleep? Sleep is for tortoises!)

These wonderful people are, from left to right, Sarah F, Sarah G, Steve, Susanne, Luke and Alicia. Poor Mr Stephen Kinnard is almost entirely obscured by the towering mass that is Steve in the group picture, so I’ve displayed him in full on the right. Stephen is sometimes known as “Ste” for short, and since his surname begins with “K” I entitled the picture of him below “Ste-k.jpg”, so he’d better watch out that Luke doesn’t try to eat him! (Note: this is an in-joke and a very bad pun. It’s late. Please don’t hit me).

Though he probably won’t know this, Stephen has been helping to attract people to this very blog, believe it or not. According to the handy StatCounter I’ve installed on this blog, someone reached this site from a search for “Stephen Kinnard”. Obviously associating with such a celebrity is good for the number of hits I get! Though the StatCounter also thinks that Oak Hill Theological College is in Dundee rather than London, so I take its claims with a pinch of salt.

Now I really am off to bed now, honest!

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The Revenge of Doctor Who!

The new series of Doctor Who is only two weeks away, and the publicity machine is beginning to kick in! Check out the website Outpost Gallifrey for a round-up of all the news. I’m really excited about the series. It’s been a lurking fear ever since the announcement in September 2003 that they’ll do a terrible job of it. But after press screenings and a leak of the first episode, Rose, to the Internet, there has been a veritable slew of reviews across the papers and across cyberspace. And you know what? It looks like it’s going to be good.

Why is that? What’s so great about this antique of a show, so renowned for its wobbly sets and alien quarries? Firstly, it’s a family drama. There’s precious little that is enjoyable. The BBC and ITV sometimes do good family dramas, such as Bootleg and I Was a Rat!, but the tendancy is for these to be short mini-series of two or three episodes. Doctor Who, on the other hand, will run for thirteen weeks, and will combine excitement, adventure, scares and above all, humour.

This show is going to be fun! Dashing all over time and space fighting monsters, and with good characters and cracking dialogue – what more can you want? Well, if you want more, the new series will be brought up to date with decent effects and a fast-paced format.

It’s also going to be imaginative. This won’t just be another run-of-the-mill cop show or detective drama or reality tv programme, but will take us into history, across the galaxy, and back down to Earth. There will literally be nothing like it on television.

The show is distinctively British in its sense of humour and outlook, which in a time when film and television is increasingly dominated by US imports, then this is a breath of fresh air. Not that I’ve anything against US TV as such, but it’s a sad limit on diversity and expression if only

What’s more, the Doctor is such a great hero – a wanderer who relies on his wits and intelligence to save the universe as an unwitting hobby. He’s full of passion, humanity and joy towards life. An anarchic, sometimes reluctant, but ultimately brave and compassionate hero. The new tagline “Doctor Who: adventures in the human race” emphasises a renewed emphasis on the personal and the human. He might have two hearts and come from a distant world, but the Doctor is one of the most humane heroes in fiction.

And after getting me so excited, it had better be good, otherwise I’ll probably be one of the many people on the Internet within seconds to register my disgust! Seriously, it’s two weeks away, it airs on Saturday 26th March at 7pm, and though it’s not going to be a work of high art or anything like that, I think it could be one of the most plain enjoyable shows on television in a long time. Fingers crossed!

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“Inspiring, verging on a life-guide!”

I had another article in the latest Gair Rhydd (or, as it is sometimes pronounced by non-Welsh speakers, the “Gay Read”. Oh dear. It’s almost as bad as Pwllheli/”Pooh-welly”)! I plan to do scans of my recent stuff sometime soon so you can read my articles on here. The article I have in this week is on Apathy, which is probably my most passionately felt article so far. It’s challenging for me to try and live up to those words! Again, I hope to have it online soon.

I’d have liked to have got by Room 101 piece on Whinging in there before Easter for the sheer hypocrisy of whinging about whinging, and also to have something that was more light-hearted and fun rather than quite so much of a call to revolution against the forces of consumerism, apathy and the like!

What’s more, though, is that someone wrote a letter in response to my article. And very unusually. Robbie, a third-year Journalism student who’s a proof editor on the paper, and who comes to the CU, told me about the letter and joked that they hadn’t had one actually praising something since “Let’s see, nineteen… er, eighty… something!” The correspondent Simon (no surname given) said that “I thought that Caleb Woodbridge’s article was a great piece of work. A superb inspiring article verging on a life-guide!” Blimey. That’s made me all warm inside, that has!

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Zzzz… I handed in my History essay earlier. I only finished it around 45 minutes before the deadline, and I was a bit disappointed to have to hand it in without time to really give it my best. But by this time, once I’d actually got it in to a state in which I could submit it, I didn’t want to hang around fiddling with it. I’m really tired now. I’m not going to do any more work today. I might try and have a nap. Only three more essays to do by this time next week! One of them is only an unassessed essay, and so it’s not very high on my list of priorities.

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Crossing Continents

On Monday, I heard a very interesting programme on Radio 4 about the cultural clash between Christian and secular America. It covered such things as the school in America that has introduced Intelligent Design into its curriculum, home schooling and a new Christian University. You can hear it online at by going here. It’s particularly interesting in light of some of the discussions at the weekend, so some of the fair denizens of Enfield might want to have a listen!

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Resistance is futile!

Today is the Doctor Who press launch, and it’s becoming difficult to open a newspaper, turn on the radio or look at a magazine rack without . Indeed, here in the cybercafé they have the radio on, and I just caught the words “Doctor Who… new series” in the Newsbeat slot on Radio 1! The front cover of the Radio Times has a tagline for their preview of the new series, and many of the newspapers have been reporting on the leaking of the first episode onto the Internet. (No, I haven’t watched it. What do you take me for?) Tonight’s Eastenders will apparently be followed by the first trailer, BBC Wales will be reporting on the series this evening, and Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper will be on BBC Breakfast tomorrow. I think the best thing to do to avoid anything being given away would be to leave the country…

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A certain intellectual courage

I got my assessed English essay back today, marked and with the comments sheet. Unfortunately, on the feedback ticklist I was given a cross for “Does the case unfold in a rational and convincing order?”

I think the comment that my sentences are sometimes awkward is fair enough. But whoever marked the essay seems to go out of their way not to understand it. Fair enough, the point is to get me to make it as crystal clear as possible, but even so it seems overly picky. For example, they queried who I was referring to when I referred to Tess as “her” when I hadn’t mentioned any other females in the essay!

The comments concludes by saying “This work does, however, display a certain intellectual courage which is admirable”. While naturally I want to do better, I’m satisfied with that. I’d rather be ambitious and fail than succeed at mediocrity.

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Adventures in London

This morning I got up in London, and by 11 am was breezing off the train, strolling across the road and into my first lecture of the day back here in Cardiff. Isn’t our transport system wonderful?

I went across to London for the weekend to see some very wonderful and lovely people from Contagious – Luke Williams, Steve Sims, Stephen Kinnard, Sarah Field, Sarah Grimm, Alicia and Susanne, and I had a really great time with them all. A very special thank you to Sarah Field and family for letting me stay overnight Saturday and Sunday! Sarah makes very delicious chocolate cookies, by the way. Luke was even more eccentrically dressed than ever (though it emerged that while he likes being eccentric, he is sadly not fond of being silly). Stephen looked like he was on the path to greatness in this card game we played. Steve became irate at the excessive numbers of Bridget Jones adverts on the sides of buses. Sarah Grimm disappeared on Saturday afternoon with her uncannily similar looking sister. Alicia got her mum a Mother’s Day present from Harrods, and Susanne and Stephen spent all afternoon on Sunday in a restauraunt having a dinner due to the mad rush of people taking their mums out for a meal.

On the way, I left Cardiff Central at around 8am on the two hour journey to London. Unfortunately, what should have been the last twenty-five minutes of the journey from just after Reading into London Paddington took at least three times that, so I arrived almost an hour late. Isn’t our transport system annoying?

Anyway, I’ll talk more of our adventures when I get time, and tell of how we deduced the existence of the secret pool tables that women’s toilets must contain and unravelled the conspiracy of mermaids planning to take over the world using Starbucks. Plus we chatted loads, so I’m sure I’ll find stuff to say on other worlds, The Da Vinci Code and Conservative politics sometime soon!

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Snow! But not much…

Late this afternoon it started snowing heavily. Great big, fat floaty flakes, doing crazy dances in the wind as they whirled around frantically, as if trying to escape the inevitable touchdown and oblivion as they melted into a watery slush.

My flatmates and I all bundled out and played Frisbee in the snow, and I tried to take a couple of pictures. The snow would grow in patches on our hats, noses, but not really our eyelashes. It began to settle a little, and I hoped it would last. But alas, it stopped and the cloud lifted and its all fading away. Such is life.

Well, it added a little flurry of excitement to a not terribly exciting day, mostly spent inside reading books for my essays. One of them is on wit in poetry, and the other is on the causes of the February Revolution in Russia. Oh, and I got 78% in my Journalism exam, which I’m pleased with. And now I’m off to the Welsh CU, which I’ve not been to for ages. Hwyl fawr am rwan!

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