Caleb Woodbridge

Party time!

Saturday evening’s party seems to have been a big success, except for one very unfortunate event. Mid way through the evening, Juliet felt ill and fainted, banging her head. She hadn’t had any alcohol, like most of those therem much to the bemusement of the paramedics! (“It’s Saturday night, and a birthday party, and you’ve not had any booze… yeah, right!”) Someone joked that it wouldn’t be a proper student party without an ambulance being called. Helen went with Juliet, and she was back home after a couple of hours and spent Sunday in bed. Poor Juliet – I hope she’s recovered now.

But it didn’t dampen spirits too much, and we had great fun eating, drinking and playing silly games. My housemate Ian made a cardboard TARDIS in the garden, which I was mightily impressed by! Dave Williamson gave me the handy book How To Survive A Robot Uprising, and there were lots of generous contributions of food and drink to the party. Judging from what they’ve said to me and from the comments in our Visitors Book, people had a really good time, so I’m chuffed.

I haven’t worked out exactly how many people came, but I had a good number of friends There were people from my course, from the Navigators, the Christian Union and from Mack, and some friends of these friends who I enjoyed meeting. Many of the Debating Society were off in Glamorgan at the Novice competition though, so the only fellow Debater there was Swithin, who also goes to the Navs and CU (which means I often see him three consecutive evenings a week!)

I forgot to judge the fancy dress on the night, but I popped round to Becci, Helen and Vicky’s house to award them the wonderful prize of some Crunchie Bites since they collectively made the best effort, though Craig also deserves an honourable mention.

I’ll try and put some photos up soon – taken with my new digital camera, no less!

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