Photo Diary: Doctor Who Press Launch

My article on Doctor Who should be in the next issue of Quench, which will be out in a couple of weeks. There’s more to be said about the Doctor Who press launch though, and I’ll be typing it up on here soon. In the mean time, here are some pictures!

The press launch was in the Millennium Centre, also known as the armadilloThe Millennium Centre, where the press launch took place. The foyer was used for the filming of shots inside the hospital in the first episode of the new series, New Earth.

Journalists detected! Alert! Alert!Alert! Alert! Journalists detected! A Dalek keeps an eye-stalk out for any intruders…

A Dalek lurks in wait for the Doctor to return to his TARDISA Dalek lurked in wait for the Doctor to return to his TARDIS after the screening.

Doctor Who on the big screen!The big screen on which the first episode was aired. Noel Clarke, who plays Mickey, was just a few seats in front of me, and Mark Gatiss of The League of Gentlemen was two seats to my right. The audience was a mix of cast, crew and journalists.

There was a question and answer session with David Tennant and Bille Piper, the stars of the show, after the screening. Oh, and lots of free booze.

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