Caleb Woodbridge

Poll results!

The results are in!

Shave – 4 votes
Trim- 5 votes
Save – 0 votes

Shave – 2 votes
Trim – 4 votes
Save – 2 votes

So I’ve trimmed my beard and also my hair (well, went to the hairdressers for a haircut – I didn’t cut my hair personally), and I now look like the photo. (Well, roughly, it’s not that good a picture. I’ve got an odd expression. Or do I always look like that?) I ought to have taken a picture immediately before for comparison, but you’ll just have to take my word for it that it’s shorter. It’s brought my hair under control a bit – it was starting to have a life of it’s own, rather like medusa with her hair of snakes!

I’ll probably try another look around Easter time – perhaps really have an attack on my facial hair, and have a very short haircut and no beard. You’ll have to wait and see!

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