
It’s funny, the day before my last exam is the day I seem to have really got into the rhythm of revision properly. Mind you, if I didn’t have my exam tomorrow, I’d probably still be faffing around pretending to revise while.

The latest edition of Quench magazine discussed blogging in its editorial (a thinly veiled excuse to plug the Gair Rhydd blog, in part, but I didn’t know that the student paper had a blog before, so I didn’t mind). It discussed the comments of one newspaper columnist which dismissed blogging as “media commentary on media commentary”. So that article was media commentary on media commentary on media commentary, and so I’m now making media commentary on media commentary on media commentary on media commentary. Hmmm… is there any way for blogging to break out of this vicious cycle and produce something genuinely insightful and original? Well, it’s quite a challenge but I’d like to try and improve the quality of my blogging, so hopefully once my exams are over I’ll stop whinging about revising and start writing some stuff of worth. Of course, a lot of my writing energies have gone into writing for Gair Rhydd. If you’re in Cardiff, then watch out for my article on Big Brother, opinions and freedom of speech in the next issue, plus my response to the letter attacking my article attacking Astrology, in next week’s edition – well, subject the whims of the editors, anyway!

I had more strange dreams last night, but they’ve slipped my mind. I remember dreaming the other night that I discovered whales are very intelligent, and that whale-song is them singing their praises to God as they swim happily around the sea. I hope I remember what I dreamed last night, because I remember remembering last night’s dreams and finding them interesting, but they’ve slipped my mind…

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