Not to be confused with Ribena, that rather nice blackcurrant drink. I don’t think I’ll go here, mainly because it is a long way out – the church runs a minibus from the Students’ Union – nd I’d rather have a nearby church, since it makes it easier to be involved and so on, and also because I was a bit put off by the speaking in tongues.I’ll have to make sure I take some time on here to outline my current position on what I think the Bible says about the “spiritual gifts” – I won’t go into it all now. I do think that the supernatural speaking of other languages can happen, but when all the congregation speaks English and has the Bible in English, it’s pretty pointless. I can’t see how it is “for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7) to have someone speaking what is gobbledegook for all those present, which is what often happens in churches where they practice speaking in tongues (or something resembling it – I’m unsure as to how much of it is genuine). I wouldn’t automatically rule out going to a church that did practice “speaking in tongues” – it would depend on the reasoning behind it. If a church still held to the authority, infallibility and sufficiency of the Bible then I would be happy with that, but if a church believed that speaking in tongues is some kind of extra-Biblical direct revelation that we need in addition to the Bible then I would not be happy with that.The preacher wasn’t able to turn up at the last moment, so the service was quickly turned into a prayer meeting. They did various things to make it interesting, such as having people go off into different rooms to pray for different things before coming back, turning to the person next to you and praying for them and so on. It was quite good, but wasn’t really the best service to see what their meetings are like.