Caleb Woodbridge

Seven Things…

Rich has just put up various lists of seven things, starting with “Seven things to do before I die”. It’s a questionnaire that’s currently doing the rounds of the blogosphere, and arrived at Rich by way of Jon, and I’ve also spotted it over on The Blue Fish Project, where it got rather short shrift!

Rich listed me as his number five person he wants to see join in too, so here I go! (You might want to read Rich’s answers first so you’ll get a couple of in-jokes I make in my own lists). All of these aren’t necessarily in any particular order

Seven things to do before I die (but not necessarily in this order)

  1. Write some really good stories
  2. Get some really good stories published
  3. Get some really good stories in the bestseller lists
  4. Become a husband
  5. Become a father
  6. Be labelled controversial
  7. Become a charismatic – no, I’m joking, Rich and Becky, don’t panic! ;-)

Real number 7: Enter ever more deeply into that union with Jesus Christ, becoming like him in love and holiness

Seven things I cannot do

  1. Stop thinking
  2. Stop writing
  3. Stop believing in Jesus
  4. Eat peanut butter
  5. Enjoy clubbing
  6. Abandon Doctor Who for Star Trek
  7. Stop being a Welshman

Seven things that attract me to my spouse
Well, I don’t have a spouse, or even a girlfriend, but things that I find attractive include:

  1. Intelligence and thoughtfulness
  2. Godliness (a bit of an old-fashioned word, but I mean it without any of the negative associations it might have acquired)
  3. Sense of humour and silliness (which are related but not identical)
  4. Willingness to give hugs
  5. Shared interests (in particular a love of books, I’d guess. And any potential partner would have to put up with my obsession with liking for Doctor Who)
  6. Different interests (it would be boring to marry just a female version of myself – what a scary idea!)
  7. Physical beauty (though not usually the stereotyped idea of beauty as blonde hair, big boobs and the like. Also, the more attractive someone is in non-physical ways, then the more attractive they appear physically, in my opinion)

Seven things I say most often

  1. “How are you?” (I try to really mean this)
  2. “Not long until Christmas!” (at least I say this a lot at the moment!)
  3. “Not long until Doctor Who is back on television!”
  4. “I need to be more disciplined”
  5. “We need to grasp the wholeness of the Christian message”
  6. “I want to be a writer”
  7. Nothing at all because I’m too busy getting tied up in knots thinking through what to say (especially likely when faced with young ladies who match up to various points on the previous list!)

Seven books (or series) I love (Bible not included)

  1. The Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis
  2. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
  3. Hunger for Reality by George Verwer
  4. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
  5. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Berniers
  6. The Wind on Fire trilogy by William Nicholson
  7. Brewers’ Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over if I had the time)

  1. The Lord of the Rings
  2. The Truman Show
  3. The Incredibles
  4. Star Wars original trilogy
  5. Shrek
  6. The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Seven people I want to join in, too

  1. Ian
  2. Jamie
  3. Sarah F
  4. Dave
  5. Steve
  6. Alison
  7. You – add a comment with your answer if you don’t have your own blog!
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