There and back again

I got back to Cardiff yesterday evening, after an excrutiatingly extended excursion by train (don’t get me started…) But at least I had the pleasant company of Ben Read for the journey, which was good. I really enjoyed visiting home. It’s nice to see my dear family (though Hannah was sadly rather grumpy, partly due to a long-lasting headache, and perhaps also a dash of teenage tempermentality). I always find that retreating home for a rest helps revive my revolutionary feeling – I enjoy chatting with my Dad and discussing how to put the world to rights, or at least the world of Cardiff studentdom!

While reading the paper on the train, I noticed that Gair Rhydd has won Best Student Newspaper in the Guardian Student Media Awards! Great stuff – I’m glad to be contributing to such a fine publication! Speaking of which, I hope to get some more articles published once I’ve got my essays out the way. Though actually working on them rather than mucking around with blogs would help with that. Ah well, back to the bookshelves I go…

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