
Although entitled “Ups and downs” my last post was almost entirely about the “downs”. So to balance things out, I’m going to talk about the good things that have been happening lately:

The most recent and most exciting is that I’ve managed to get an invitation to the press launch of the new series Doctor Who next week, and will be reporting on it for the student newspaper, Gair Rhydd. David Tennant, Billie Piper and other members of the cast and crew will be there, and the first episode of series two, New Earth, will be aired. It’s really exciting, both from a Doctor Who fan perspective, and from a journalism perspective. Hopefully I’ll be able to have a great time and write up a great article on it. (Update: the editor has apparently lost the invitation, but the paper has contacted the BBC and sorted things out…)

The weekend before last I had a good time at home with my family as I went back for my sister Becky’s 18th birthday. For her birthday treat, we’re going as a family to see The Lion King in London during the Easter holidays, which is something to look forward to!

I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned the Debating Competition on my blog yet… oh, wait, correction, yes, I did, (thanks for pointing that out Jess) though I’ve still got a draft of one post of it stored in blogger, I wrote about it here! Tch… getting absent minded in my old age of 20.

And there’s been lots of other good stuff happening. Time with friends, the church weekend away, and various other stuff. My course is generally interesting, and I’m generally quite happy, times when some of the things I talked about before get me down notwithstanding.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rehearse my questions for the stars of Doctor Who…

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