Well, here I am on Word Alive! It’s pretty hectic, but I’ve managed to grab a few minutes before the next seminar (Social Action vs Evangelism: A false dichotomy?) to note a few thoughts here.
The talks have been very good – I’ve been following the thematic overview stream (Be)longing, which has so far covered our relationship with God, with each other and with the world, looking at how the fall has affected them, but also the restoration that salvation in Christ brings. The evening talks, going through Colossians, have also been very good – some really exciting stuff.
There’s loads of choice of seminars and things – it’s quite overwhelming! I’ve been to some really good ones on things like our responsibility for justice and social action as Christians, and a question and answer session on politics.
Just being here and living with and having fun with my friends from Cardiff CU is great – picnicking on the beach, playing Uno, going to the sessions together and so on. It’s also been great to see some friends like Matt Costen and Hans from Southampton Navs group again, and some familiar faces from Contagious such as Lisa, Claire and Matt Archer (though so far I’ve only seen him at a distance and haven’t had a chat yet). One slight downside of something like this though is that with lots of people coming in university groups, there’s a tendancy to stay in those groups rather than socialise with people you don’t already know. That’s what I’ve found to be the temptation, anyway.
But yeah, it’s a good time so far, and I hope to write it up more fully sometime soon, though it’ll be a while before I’m back at the keyboard, what with visiting London and stuff. But keep reading!

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